Apr 30Liked by Emily Charlotte Powell

For a long time I thought I was doing it wrong because I couldn’t niche down. Now I just do what I love and put it out there.

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Apr 29Liked by Emily Charlotte Powell

Oohhh...multicraftual here ✋ my fun stuff is knitting and spinning, I guard it's *fun* boundaries carefully! I'm also highly susceptible to give things a go - recently lino cutting, and I've got cyanotype chemicals waiting for the sun to come out.

I started doing pottery for fun and though it's not my work it's feels as though it's sort of become a kind of work...if I don't sell pieces then the house will collapse under the weight of ceramics!

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Apr 29Liked by Emily Charlotte Powell

I feel you, in that sometimes my creativity cannot be limited to just one medium. Sometimes words are the best to express myself, and other times it's drawings. I felt I needed to focus on one thing and abandon all other pursuits, but your post is really enlightening. I should do it all! I mean, why not? Thanks a lot for sharing your perspective, Emily!

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Being creative simply for the joy of creating is the best. No expectations, no time constraints

, no need to please anyone except yourself ❤️

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Apr 28Liked by Emily Charlotte Powell

Ahh, this is just lovely Emily - thank you so much for quoting my comment too… when I read it again, I wondered when was the last time I actually had time for anything just for me..? The last few months have been so crazy busy…. So a huge thank you for the reminder - It’s time for making time for joyful creating! For me.! 💐xx

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Apr 28Liked by Emily Charlotte Powell

Love it Emily. Love this bit: “I’ve realised that there’s a lot to love in just allowing all the ideas to flow and mix and reshape, appear and disappear. Though many of them will never alight with me, there is still joy in letting them light up my soul and fill me with excitement at the endless possibilities.”

In Human Design I’m a Manifestor Generator. It was the biggest source of relief to read up on it and discover I’m not lazy or incapable of sticking to one thing, it’s because that is my design, THAT is what my strength is! Haha, that was magic for me.

I have a thing for creating scrappy journals from old hardbacked books. 🤓🪄🤸🏼‍♀️

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Apr 28Liked by Emily Charlotte Powell

That whole niche thing is what I have been contemplating a lot lately. That's why my last post was called "no marketing plan". Probably my worst ever piece of writing but you get that some days.

There is such healing power and joy from allowing our creativity a space to flourish. I am tired of having to relegate it to the back burner and focus on the "serious, money making stuff."

I feel I am a better person when I can be creative.

A beautifully written post Emily. Thank you.

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Apr 28Liked by Emily Charlotte Powell

This is so lovely.. thanks for the mention and I loved reading all the other positive comments too, how wonderful 💕 I actually did a little sketch of a bird a little while ago and you inspired me to be brave and share it with people.. which actually got a lovely response 😊

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Apr 28Liked by Emily Charlotte Powell

This is do totally me. I am a fiber artist and also make jewelry. Recently I am learning drawing and watercolor painting. So many ideas so little time is my mantra. I love learning new things and seeing what happens.

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Apr 28Liked by Emily Charlotte Powell

Thanks for including my words with all these creators, such a joyful post! 🦋💛✨

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Apr 30Liked by Emily Charlotte Powell

Oh goodness...all of this resonates so much! I write, I paint, I dabble in about a jillion other things. I used to beat myself up for that (the whole "you have to niche down!" "you have to focus on one thing!") but I'm at the point where I'm just going to roll where my creativity wants to lead me....writing a book, painting, gardening...the list goes on. I've made peace with the fact I'm never going to get rich off my creations (I can't be arsed with things like marketing and promotion, once I'm finished something it's just time to move on to whatever comes next) and that's been very freeing. I could veer off on a lengthy diatribe about how the internet has simultaneously inspired and crushed my creativity over the years but I'm guessing you already have an idea about that. :)

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Apr 30Liked by Emily Charlotte Powell

I can't ❤️this enough. I'm excited to read these (and share mine!). Thank you for all of this, Emily. Creativity is important. Creativity matters.

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