
Oh my goodness! I forgot that you were so far in the future that this piece would be released at 2:30am my time! Which meant I awoke to all the wondrous comments and kind thoughts.

Thank you Emily, for letting me tell this story and for letting me share all these gentle monsters, they are currently still safe in a box since our move last year, and I still need to find them a safe space to exist in our new home.

My favourite part of the monsters, which is also the earliest, is that they are made from a material that never hardens, so at any point they could be squished or harmed. But I suppose I could always add more horns or extra eyes or limbs if they wanted them.

But I guess that’s like being human, the potential to change based on our environment is very real.

I think today I’ll try to find them a little place in the sunshine here, so they can bring apprehension and sparkle to this new home.

Thank you thank thank you for allowing me this moment of connection with your community, and you.

I appreciate you so very much.

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Your monsters hold so much heart and possibility, just like the stories you tell. I love that they can change and adapt, just like we do. It makes them feel so alive. I hope they find the perfect sunny spot in your new home.

Thank you for sharing this journey and these gentle creatures with all of us and their significance in owning your place as an artist, which you truly are. ✨💛

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Sep 15Liked by Emily Charlotte Powell, Wake Lloire

Goodness! This was so so moving Wake… from the questioning of your creativity (I know - I know) to the acceptance and your beautiful monsters building community - and then that profound statement at the end… “Curious & Kind isn’t a building, it isn’t a place, it’s us.” And isn’t that exactly as it should be!!

Thank you so much for sharing Wake’s touching and heartfelt essay Emily - 💛xx

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Thank you for this encouraging and heartfelt comment! And for taking the time to read my story.

Curious & Kind indeed does live on. I get messages and for real letters in my post office box from people regularly sharing the gentle creative things they are doing in the world. And that kiddo whose birthday made us realize we didn’t need a space to do the beautiful things…they sent me a message this week so excited about their first week of animation college!

I’m so glad to have done it. And I’m also grateful for this quiet time I’ve had to write this past year.

Thank you again for making my morning with your enthusiasm.

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Thank you Susie, I feel blessed that I get to share these rich and wonderful stories of creativity 💛✨ I found Wake’s story so moving, it was a pleasure to share ✨

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Sep 15Liked by Emily Charlotte Powell, Wake Lloire

Such a lovely story. Yay, to creating community and being changed by it. I love the idea of creating monsters. Maybe I could crochet one. Hmm, something to think about.

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That’s a brilliant idea Klamo! I would love to see some crochet monsters 💛 I have to make some monsters now too!

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Sep 15Liked by Emily Charlotte Powell, Wake Lloire

I don't know when I'll be able to make one, but Wake's take on monsters (Monsters aren’t perfect. They are what they are.) made me think. If I keep that in mind there would be no pressure and whatever monster I make will be perfect. Unique and perfect, just as it is. I love that taught.

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I so love the idea of people making worry free monsters. A crocheted monster would be such magic. If you do make one, and want to share it with me, feel free to send me a private message or tag me, or whatever folks are doing these days 🫶

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Sep 16Liked by Emily Charlotte Powell

Wonder of wonders, I started on it already. Just crocheting along without a pattern or any defined idea where I'm going with it. It's a worry free monster after all. I will certaily share it with you when it's done. Thank you for your intrest.

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Ah that’s brilliant. Looking forward to seeing your monster!

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21 hrs agoLiked by Emily Charlotte Powell, Wake Lloire

This piece is a beautiful testament to the power of imperfection. As someone who often gets caught up in striving for perfection, it's liberating to be reminded that true beauty lies in embracing the messy, vulnerable parts of ourselves and our creations. Wake's story encourages me to let go of those unrealistic expectations and simply enjoy the process of creating, just like those delightful monsters.

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This thread of comments is a gift that keeps on giving. Thank you Alexander for taking the time to read my story. Perfection stopped me from doing so many things, and I’m grateful to these monsters too, for giving me a way to create in community without fear. 💖

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Thank you so much for your thoughtful words Alexander. I'm so glad Wake's story resonated with you in that way. It's such a wonderful reminder that imperfections are what make us unique and give life to our creations. I'm right there with you, it's easy to get caught up in perfectionism, but embracing the process with all its messiness can be incredibly freeing. I'm thrilled that the monsters inspired that for you.

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Sep 17Liked by Emily Charlotte Powell, Wake Lloire

This has to be the loveliest art post ever! I love cute monsters <3 <3

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Thank you Miya for your kind words and for taking the time to read my story! The cute monsters say thank you for the compliment too!

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Your welcome, Wake!

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So glad you enjoyed it Miya ✨💛

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Sep 18Liked by Emily Charlotte Powell

Thank you for the post!

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Sep 15Liked by Emily Charlotte Powell, Wake Lloire

I just love what you are doing here Emily in your celebrating and uncovering of these wonderful creatives! It's inspiring and joyful. 💛💛💛

Your monsters are just gorgeous Wake. I also see that vulnerability in your first one, of being in a world they don't feel they fit in to. I am sure this resonates with many.

So very special what you have done for your community with your creativity. This is why we create! To give back and bring the love!!

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Thank you Jo, I feel lucky to be on this adventure and to celebrate these amazing and inspiring stories of creativity. Wake’s story made me cry when I read it for the first time, it feels an honour to share. Thank you always for being here and for your kind words 💛💛

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My monsters and I appreciate you Jo! I feel lucky to have been able to share this story and to see how it resonates with people outside the community with whom I made these monsters. That this little story has its own little life beyond mine.


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Sep 15Liked by Emily Charlotte Powell, Wake Lloire

My heart is swelling with love from reading this post. I love the monsters and Wake, a beautiful story.

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Your heart swell has reached us all the way over here, and I’m so honoured that you would take the time to read it, and to share your feelings about it.

Thank you 💖💖💖

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Thank you for reading Tami and your kind comments, I felt the same when I read Wake’s story and I’m so pleased to have been able to share it 💛✨

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Sep 15Liked by Emily Charlotte Powell, Wake Lloire

Oh my goodness, this was so lovely and special! I wish we had a creative community gallery space like this where I am!

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I wish that for all places. I definitely wished I’d had a Curious & Kind space when I was a youth, and I think I made it for the kids, grownups and all the humans who might have felt like me…to create a balm for that kiddo I was.

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Me too Meaghan. Everything about it sounds like it must have been such a magical space ✨💛

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