17 hrs agoLiked by Emily Charlotte Powell

Thank you Emily for this great message, I think it should be shouted from the rooftops. I believe every step prepares us for the step before. Perhaps you have just landed in the most gorgeous place, back where you started twenty years ago, and it will be fun, easy and fulfilling which will allow you the head space to continue to be creative. Perhaps if you had never left your challenging full time gig to work in your own business you would have unable to receive this opportunity. Perhaps, had you not been a full time creative, you would have been unable to recognize the beauty of structure and a regular paycheque that comes with less stress than the struggle that often accompanies being a full time creative. Perhaps, as you say it's not a win or lose situation.

I applaud you and thanks for sharing.

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Thank you for your kind words Donna, I feel content with closing the book and moving on with the next story. I thought it would be tough, but I think the hardest part will be unpicking everything from the 5 years of Thomkat Illustrations. There is a lot to be said for job security and a steady income, and I am glad of the stability it brings, and the freedom it allows me to continue my creative adventure. Thanks for your support

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18 hrs agoLiked by Emily Charlotte Powell

Oh Emily! You had me in tears half way through the audio... I had to pause a second and begin again and then you mention playing scrabble with your mum with your own slightly cheaty rules which are the exact rules I play with my daughter when she's home, which is never often enough, and I was in tears again...

I know I've said this before but since joining Substack I seem to shed an inordinate amount of tears!

Good luck with Tree Keeper Books lovely and happy Sunday evening hugs! 💛xx

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Dear Susie, thank you for your lovely words and for your tears and long distance friendship. Perhaps, one day, we will play slightly cheaty Scrabble together. I am surprised to not feel sadness at closing the book, but then, I'm not really giving it up, I get to keep the story in my heart and write more. Also, I am getting my Thomkat logo tattooed on my arm. It will always be a part of me. Sending love ✨💛

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14 hrs agoLiked by Emily Charlotte Powell

Emily, this is such a heart felt post. I hear you. I also have been writing and thinking about the definition of failure and success lately.

What you have done and are doing is AMAZING! 🤩

You are living life fully: as a mother, a creative and a professional in the corporate world. I don't think anyone would call that failure. Not many can run away to live in a cabin in the mountains to pursue their creative dreams uninterrupted without financial or family commitments. And if they could I wonder how rich really that life would be.

It is the true hero (ine's) journey to honour your heart and soul whatever that calling may be at each different stage of your life. The journey is ongoing.

You are bringing meaning and magic to your life. Thank you for sharing it with us. 💛

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Thank you so much for your kind words Jo. I think that sometimes, what we need more than anything else, is the passing of time to understand how success and failure are just constructs and we can make them mean (or not) whatever we want. An old work colleague commented on a post on a different platform, to say they hoped Tree Keeper would be a massive success, and I realised, as I replied, that in all the was that matter, it already is. I think that’s probably true of so many things - we strive for success, when in all the ways that count we already are. It’s just a matter of perspective.

I appreciate your support and am grateful always for your thoughtful words 💛

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Oh endings can be hard even when they are right. But I do trust that letting go of Thomkat Illustrations will open up space for new projects and you have one big one already on the way!

Big hugs and blessings for the all the future creative adventures ♥️

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Thanks so much Linn. I don't know how, but I feel ok about closing the book on Thomkat Illustrations - maybe I am just ready! Lots of things to unpick but it's right. I don't feel sad, just like I've stepped onto the next stage of my journey. Nothing much will change here, as this has been more a space for creative adventures than for Thomkat, and I'm glad it turned out that way.

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Sounds like it really is the right next step so 🙌♥️

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This was a tough read and it resonated. The pause, giving up, finding new paths. An end is always a chance to start something different. I love the way you play scrabble with your mum, I'll start doing that too. Much love and support whichever way you take your creative journey it's yours.

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Thank you so much, it's always so wonderful to read your kind comments. I guess that when the time is right for something, you can feel it, and this feels right ✨💛

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21 hrs agoLiked by Emily Charlotte Powell

Love you. So proud of everything you are my friend. Here’s to playing for as long as we can until it’s time to close the book xx

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Thank you Lyds. So much. Love you too. Love the magic and the stories we are creating and all the books ahead, both literal and metaphorical 💛✨

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